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About Me

Artist Statement 

    My work is concerned with the narrative power that storytelling can have on audiences, conveying a multitude of concepts and ideas in a more palatable, subversive way. I’m exploring this vein through creating my own stories via animation, illustrations, and comics to understand the different ways a story can be told. As well as discovering the different impacts regarding different mediums.


   Through animation I explore the way movements and gestures can tell of the history of a character and their relationships with others. I use illustrations to discover how much of a story can be told through still images. Comics help to explore the more traditional sense of a story focusing more on characterizations and plotlines.



   Mya Rhea is currently pursuing her BFA from the University of Cincinnati, along with a certificate in animation. She has always found a fascination with the way stories can capture a person’s attention and affection, and occasionally cementing themselves within their lives. This interest in stories blends into her love of art, resulting in a practice where one informs the other.


   Mya’s mix of art and stories has led her to experiment with how she can tell a story through various, sometimes unconventional, forms. As well, Mya has taken commissions and work to tell the stories of others, either through character designs, illustrations, or storyboards.

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